T—Shouldn’t my students be practicing math facts for homework?

Shouldn’t my students be practicing math facts for homework?

Yes, students should do Rocket Math as homework!

Homework is highly recommended—after students have learned how to practice. Any day that a student does not pass a set, we recommend requiring the student to take home the sheet they did not pass and practice the facts around the outside to improve their speed.

At–home practice should be orally reciting the facts and the answers in the same manner as outlined in paired oral practice above. Once students have learned how to do that practice at school, they should be ready to show someone at home how to help them in the same way. Very few minutes a day are all that would be required to make a big difference in student success.

Note: Practice and Test worksheets are set up in the virtual filing cabinet to print out two-sided.  If you do that, you can send the used worksheet home each night.  Students can practice and complete the back side of the worksheet for homework.  They could even take a practice one-minute test and see how far they can get at home. 

  • See this blog: How to Get Parents to Help You.
  • Here is a copy of the basic parent letter from you the teacher to parents as a Word document so you can edit it and make it your own. Dear Parents Letter
  • Queridos Padres — parents letter in Spanish.
  • All the parent letters are in the Forms and Information drawer of our virtual filing cabinet.


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