Rocket Writing for Numerals Learning Track

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What do students learn?

Click here for the Rocket Writing for Numerals Teacher Directions.

Students learn to write numerals efficiently, quickly and legibly using the Rocket Writing for Numerals Learning Track.

There are 72 pages of practice divided into four chapters (each 18 worksheets long) which gradually increase in difficulty.

Read this blog on “How much practice is enough in Rocket Writing for Numerals?”

Chapter 1 Learn to trace numerals correctly and efficiently.

  • Chapter 1 has students tracing the numerals and learning to form them in the correct manner. The correct manner is from the top down which is the most efficient way to write numerals. Students work through each of the numerals individually.   Then they practice them in concert with other previously learned numerals.  Teacher directions suggest fun ways of teaching numerals by tracing them in the air. Students should stay in this chapter until they habitually form the numerals in the correct manner. (See the chapter 1 sample.)

Chapter 2 Learn to write numerals free-hand (without tracing) and smaller.

  • Chapter 2 (see the sample) gives more practice tracing but also requires students to learn to copy smaller examples.  The big challenge is to write the numerals free-hand (without tracing them) and to do so the appropriate size to fit 20 on a line.

Chapter 3 Learn to form numerals fluently (20 per minute).

  • Chapter 3 (see the sample) gives more practice tracing and more practice writing the numerals freehand and to put 20 on a line.  The big challenge is for students to do a one-minute timing to see if they can write 20 digits on a line and in one-minute. There are 18 worksheets in this chapter, so the goal is by the end of the chapter for students to be able to write 20 numerals in one minute. These one-minute timings can be done at the same time as other students who are doing Rocket Math worksheets.

Chapter 4 Learn to form numerals more fluently (40 digits per minute).

  • Chapter 4  gives more practice tracing and writing free-hand with 20 on  a row, but also has students aim for writing 40 digits in one minute. Once they achieve this milestone they are fast enough for Rocket Math. The last page of the program (the end of Chapter 4) is shown at the top of this article.



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